Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bacon Ranch Pasta Salad (homemade!)

So I'm a total sucker for those darn boxed pasta salads. I hate to admit that since we're trying diligently to get away from boxed foods. If I can make it, I usually do. I've been away for some time trying new recipes, some good, some NOT. Well my new venture was to make my own, healthier version of the bacon ranch version of this. It was a success! I had all the ingredients on hand and while the amount of mayo was whew a LOT, I feel that using a fat free version or a much healther mayo will do just the trick.


I box pasta of your choice, cooked, drained, cooled
1 c mayo (I used 1/2 c fat free mayo, 1/2 c grapeseed vegannaise)
1 pkt dry ranch mix
4-6 slices bacon cooked, crumbled
1/2 can peas
2 cucumbers
1/2 bag baby carrots, shredded
1/2 pint cherry tomatoes halved and quartered
1/4 t garlic powder
black pepper to taste
*1/2 c shredded cheddar (I omitted this)
*(I used the veggies I had on hand so you can add or substitute what you like.)

Whisk mayo, ranch and seasonings. Stir veggies into pasta. Stir in dressing mix & cheese if using. Serve. Lovely!

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